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Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Visit to the GrandPAWrents, and Beginning Physical Therapy at Home

(What I usually get when trying to get Claire to "follow the treat" nose to sky, nose to shoulder, or nose to hip! I've trained her too well to lay down and roll over, so I'm finding it impossible to do her standing exercises. Ugh!)

Claire came home from her pt evaluation with physical therapy exercises to do at home. I was glad to be visiting my folks for a week to have an additional hand in the beginning. I'm still having trouble doing the exercises with Claire on my own. We're focusing mostly on stretching her rear legs and shoulders, doing exercises to stretch shoulders, biceps, hamstrings, and iliopsoas muscles, and rotate hips, as well as some traction exercises and neck stretches. The exercises are supposed to be done twice a day and take 30-45 minutes. She has special Zukes peanut butter treats just for pt, so the whole thing becomes quite the event!

I'm making sure she stretches well at least once daily, and taking her to the pt clinic every Tuesday. I'm also augmenting by continuing laser therapy at the local holistic vet every Friday. This will be the routine for the next 3-4 weeks, till the end of September, when Claire will be re-evaluated by the pt clinic's vet for possible adjustments to her therapy regimen.

(Claire showed some tension yawns during our first couple of therapy attempts but is generally pretty relaxed.)

The best part about visiting the grand"PAW"rents? Pictured below. ;o)

(Chance gets snuggles)

Claire's been enjoying more supervised motion per the pt vet's recommendation. She had been on strict crate rest through the end of August. While she's still not cleared for long leashed walks, jumping of any kind, or stairs, she does get to have an "open crate" situation around the house and yard as long as I'm around. When I'm out I'm crating her for her protection.

Claire had her first visit for physical therapy at the pt clinic this last Tuesday, Sept. 6th (the initial visit was an intake evaluation with their vet). They did stretching exercises with her much like those assigned at home, then did acupuncture with electrical stimulation, and a B12 shot into her left rear thigh. The staff there is great with Claire! I tried to address the problems I was having getting her to do therapy with me, but they basically said nothing more than "patience" and "keep trying." I know it's mostly my prior training with her that's making this difficult, so it is going to take time to perfect this routine. I can't wait for the halfway vet evaluation where we can address adding hydrotherapy!

Meanwhile I'm continuing to address correspondence on Claire's behalf and fundraise for her vetting. The Red Barn pet store in Tarzana does not allow collection jars at registers, and it took me about four visits to get to speak to a manager. They offered to help in other ways, so I'll approach them again when I'm ready to do a raffle or auction. I've also been following up on verbal commitments made previously to contribute once donations could be made directly to a vet, as we're now able to do that to the pt clinic. I can't thank Claire's supporters enough for making such great care and treatment possible. I'll be forever indebted to all.

We've started new safer routines in the car, with a wire crate secured tightly by bungee cords. This is now the only way Chance and Claire travel--previously they'd had a bucket seat that elevated them but they weren't as secured into it, so while they didn't distract me or cause accidents, they weren't safe if we were involved in one. The new crate fit only in the back seat, so I'm getting adjusted to being unable to pet them or see them as well but they're doing fine in it. We have a ramp that we'll use to get in and out once Claire is cleared for that type of movement.

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